Executive Chairman, Finance Director and European Patent & Design Attorney
Denis is one of our technology experts, specialising in engineering, materials science and computer technology. He has considerable experience before the European Patent Office and the Boards of Appeal, including conducting oral proceedings at all levels of the European Patent Office.
A European and Chartered Patent Attorney and Trade Mark Attorney, Denis joined the firm in 1979 having graduated from the University of Limerick with a BSc in manufacturing technology. He became a partner in 1987 and became the company secretary and a director following the incorporation of the business in 2010. Denis was appointed Executive Chairman in 2018.
In the IP profession, Denis is a Past President of the Association of Patent and Trade Mark Attorneys, a council member of the European Patent Institute, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys and a member of FICPI, AIPPI, UNION and LES.
In the publication IAM 1000, listing “The World’s leading Patent Professionals 2016”, Denis is described as “a great practitioner and a safe pair of hands. He is great with clients and accessible and amenable. He is well respected in the profession and a formidable party to have up against you“.
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