25 07, 2018

Supplementary Protection Certificates

2022-02-16T11:26:38+00:00July 25, 2018|News|

A Supplementary Protection Certificate (SPC) extends protection of a patented product past the 20 year term (for a maximum further term of 5 years) if that product is also protected by a marketing authorisation. However, whether a product covered by a marketing authorisation is “protected” by a patent has been [...]

13 03, 2018

Unwrapping the Patent Box

2022-02-16T11:26:56+00:00March 13, 2018|News|

Ansons' patent attorney, Dr Nikos Minas, together with Lauren Porter and Robyn Kerr members of EY Belfast's Innovation team, unwrapped the Patent Box at a Breakfast Seminar held in Belfast. A time of networking over breakfast was followed by a seminar on this important, but oftentimes overlooked, tax incentive. The [...]

6 03, 2018

Managing Data – A legal perspective

2022-02-16T11:27:38+00:00March 6, 2018|News|

Ansons Trade Mark Attorney, Cherrie Stewart attended an engaging and informative talk by Aisling Byrne of @CFR_Law, in collaboration with @CIMinfo_Ireland, on Data Protection and GDPR; a very important topic which all companies need to be aware of. The venue for the event was RSPB WOW in Belfast. A great [...]

15 02, 2018

BREXIT Breakfast: Intellectual Property

2022-02-16T11:27:51+00:00February 15, 2018|News|

BREXIT is on the horizon and will affect many aspects of business including Intellectual Property protection. Ansons is hosting a breakfast on Thursday, 15th February 2018 from 8:00am-9:30am at the Clayton Hotel, Belfast to discuss what affect BREXIT will have on Intellectual Property Rights. Having served Northern Ireland’s businesses for [...]

5 01, 2018

Essentials of Intellectual Property at 9:15 Biznet

2022-02-16T11:28:09+00:00January 5, 2018|News|

Ansons is continuing to make local businesses aware of Intellectual Property, their own and that of other businesses. On 05 January 2018 Trade Mark Attorney, Cherrie Stewart attended 9:15 Biznet at Antrim Enterprise Centre to speak to local start-ups and SME's about the "Essentials of Intellectual Property". She will be [...]

19 10, 2017

Masterclass: Intellectual Property

2022-02-16T11:28:41+00:00October 19, 2017|News|

Cherrie Stewart and Nikolaos Minas of Ansons are thrilled to be conducting a Masterclass in Intellectual Property at the Innovation Factory. This masterclass aims to explore the different types of Intellectual Property which encompasses, among other things, patents, trade marks, designs and copyright and aims to inform the attendees of [...]

11 05, 2017

INTA Conference in Barcelona

2022-02-16T11:32:15+00:00May 11, 2017|News|

According to the INTA’s website, the INTA Annual Meeting continues to grow and over 10,000 delegates from the global IP community will be attending. The website goes on to say: “For the 2017 Annual Meeting, attendees include brand management professionals, C-level executives, general counsel, government officials from IP offices and [...]

19 04, 2017

All Ireland Business Summit

2022-02-16T11:32:51+00:00April 19, 2017|News|

Peter MacLachlan attended the All Ireland Business Summit on April 6 2017. The chairperson was former Dragon’s Den panelist, Bobby Kerr, of Insomnia Coffee. The conference was a great opportunity to meet the “movers and shakers” of Irish business.

8 03, 2017


2022-02-16T11:35:14+00:00March 8, 2017|News|

We have previously warned of a proliferation of unwarranted notices or invoices being sent to the owners of trade mark applications / registrations. These notices may suggest that your trade mark has been accepted for registration, is due for renewal or should be published in their publication and request payment [...]

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